How can an evidence-based psychic medium can help me?
Psychic mediums will bring forward "Evidence" that your loved ones in spirit are right here with you in this life.
After our soul's transition from this earthly realm, we do not go sit on a fluffy cloud and wait out all the rest of eternity. I know this from all the readings I have done. Love does not die, and our souls do indeed live on.
I personally ask Spirit, (your loved ones that have passed on), for verification in each session, to prove to you they are here with you. They share with me things of how they are assisting you in this life, and bring validation of the love that was shared between you when they were alive.
I connect with your loved ones and share messages from them that provide guidance and support in your current life.
If you have recently lost someone, you may feel terrible about the way, or even the timing in which they passed; Seeing a medium can help give you answers and peace of mind.
My passion in life is to help my clients as I:
Bring forth a natural state of well-being working with Usui Reiki.
Help heal of any grief through Mediumship.
Share life guidance in the Psychic sessions I provide.
Each and every session I do, I bring in a professional mindset with very high ethics. I know my clients want confidentiality, so I only allow the highest integrity to come through in these sessions.
Each day I ask Spirit to bring me the people in my life that I need for my soul's growth and journey; and in turn, to place me into the lives of those that need me.
We are all one, and we all need each other.

The benefits to receiving a psychic reading
Mental Clarity
Personal Growth
Inspiration and Validation
Provides Closure

Let me show you beyond a doubt that love never dies, and your spirit does indeed journey on when your human body passes. It has been proven time and time again in sessions with messages, (both sent & received from beyond the veil), to all to those willing to observe and notice the signs.
I believe each and every one of us can connect to our own inner voice and get guidance in this lifetime.
Peopled helped with grief and loss
Newsletter subscribers
Years in business

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- Tue, Feb 18Zoom link (invite sent day before class)
- Sat, Mar 08Washington
- Tue, Mar 18Zoom class-Link will be sent out day before
- Sat, Mar 22St. George
- Book your event for anytime!Location is TBD

"Thank you for helping me on this journey, I feel so much lighter, and brighter."
"Thank you for your empowering words, and the pictures of things you "saw". The Mexican coin that you brought up for signs from my brother, I will be watching for them from him! Thank you, Krystal.
PS- You gave my sweet friend, (I call sister), a reading and she was blown away! This was her first time experiencing something like this. It gave her joy and peace. She was nervous before the session, and you were so sweet with her and worked so well with her. (I told her you would). This gave her reassurance, thank you again!"
JAMEE - Mexico
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