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I have one goal:
To call upon spirit
give you guidance
in this lifetime.

Krystal is so gifted and amazing! She has guided me with her precise psychic gifts multiple times. You will walk away with your questions answered and your heart at ease.



Evidential Psychic Mediumship Session

*Mediumship readings*


In a mediumship session I bridge the gap between the earthly realm and the spirit world. As a medium, I serve as a conduit establishing a connection of communications to bring you comfort, healing and closure.

Through messages, evidence, and validations from spirit, these sessions offer solace and reassurance that love never dies.


*Psychic readings*


In a psychic session, I harness the innate wisdom of your soul (you as the client), to bring forth any information you are seeking in this moment. I tune into the energy field of the client to get impressions and insights.


I will take a deep dive to help you understand your best directions in career, family, love life, or your general life path.


I will use my spiritual knowledge to provide you with the much-needed guidance for the current events in your life. 


My goal is to bring "helpful and hopeful" healing to you and your family during these sessions. Please come with an open mind and open heart. 


If session is by Zoom, you will get a recording in audio and video after your session. If this is in person, feel free to record on your own device.


Thank you. I look forward to connecting with you.




Reiki Session

Reiki is a Japanese technique used for stress reduction and relaxation. This technique allows the flow of energy from the Universal Life Force to be present when the Reiki Master is assisting the client(s).

Reiki can assist with symptom relief to improve overall wellbeing.  It is similar to a massage, where the client will lie on a massage table while the Reiki is performed. It is considered a "hands on healing" approach but 98% of the time the client is not touched, and if so, it is very light.


Reiki aids in healing by helping people become energetically balanced; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.



Please message me at checkout for location & wear comfortable clothing to session.




Intuitive Oracle Card Readings 1-Question

This card reading is designed for those seeking intuitive guidance in a specific area, of their life, at a lower price point than a face-to-face reading.




 A single question card reading gives you the ability to ask one question for your reading, with the answer sent to you via email.


This question can be centered around, Love, Career, or Spiritual Growth, (i.e. "Why does my marriage feel so hard right now?" "What can I do to improve my job satisfaction?" "What lesson am I meant to learn from, [insert life event here]?"

 I will share with you my intuitive interpretation of each question asked and email you. Each 1 question reply will be returned in an email with a minimum of 200 words.


Readings are completed within 3 business days of the receipt of your questions. Questions are emailed to Krystal by replying to your order confirmation email after payment is transmitted.


You will receive a personalized card interpretation for each of your questions. This is not just a copy and paste of any oracle card guide; This is my intuition, my spiritual knowing’s and experiences answering from my higher self, for your deep intimate questions.


Common areas of focus may be but are not limited to:


 -Romantic relationships,

-Family relationships,

-Living pets,

-Your spiritual journey & growth,

-Current personal struggles,


Any other subjects that you are needing guidance on at the moment to reach your highest potential and achieve soul growth, contentment, alignment, happiness, or aid in making a decision.

Please note, Krystal believes the future is fluid and NOT set it stone. WE ALL HAVE FREE WILL!


The future is impacted by our energies, choices, and actions of today. When we trust this, we are empowered co-creators of our own lives. Thus, card/intuitive readings reflect the energy of where you are on your current trajectory.


Please keep in mind: When receiving intuitive readings, you need to be prepared to hear what your Ego may not want to hear: Please know I will go deeper than surface feelings!


Don't ask things like: "How do I get him back?" Your soul knows what is unhealthy for you. This does not mean a reading is "bad", or "inaccurate", it means that it may hurt your ego, but it is nourishment for your journey in this life.





Intuitive Oracle Card  3-Questions reading

This card reading is designed for those seeking intuitive guidance in a specific area, or areas, of their life, at a lower price point than a face-to-face reading.




 A 3-question card reading gives you the ability to ask 3 questions for your reading, with the answers sent to you via email.


These questions can be centered around, Love, Career, or Spiritual Growth, (i.e. "Why does my marriage feel so hard right now?" "What can I do to improve my job satisfaction?" "What lesson am I meant to learn from, [insert life event here]?"

I will share with you my intuitive interpretation of each question asked and email you. These 3-question replies will be returned in an email with a minimum of 800 words.


Readings are completed within 3 business days of the receipt of your questions. Questions are emailed to Krystal by replying to your order confirmation email after payment is transmitted.


You will receive a personalized card interpretation for each of your questions. This is not just a copy and paste of any oracle card guide; This is my intuition, my spiritual knowing’s and experiences answering from my higher self, for your deep intimate questions.


Common areas of focus may be but are not limited to:


-Romantic relationships,

-Family relationships,

-Living pets,

-Your spiritual journey & growth,

-Current personal struggles,


Any other subjects that you are needing guidance on at the moment to reach your highest potential and achieve soul growth, contentment, alignment, happiness, or aid in making a decision.


Please note, Krystal believes the future is fluid and NOT set it stone. WE ALL HAVE FREE WILL!


The future is impacted by our energies, choices, and actions of today. When we trust this, we are empowered co-creators of our own lives. Thus, card/intuitive readings reflect the energy of where you are on your current trajectory.


Please keep in mind: When receiving intuitive readings, you need to be prepared to hear what your Ego may not want to hear, I will go deeper than surface feelings!


Don't ask things like: "How do I get him back?"


Your soul knows what is unhealthy for you. This does not mean a reading is "bad", or "inaccurate", it means that it may hurt your ego, but it is nourishment for your journey in this life.​




Classes, Workshops, Speaking Events

Any organization that wants to build a Spiritual foundation with their team needs to hire Krystal for a workshop training!


She illuminates the light on many metaphysical questions and gives straightforward ready to use guidelines of doing this yourself.


Classes and workshops may be listed on the website when they are active, otherwise contact her for any speaking event.


Group Mediumship Reading

Group readings are fun for family and friends, all in one location. They can be enjoyed at holidays or birthdays as well! These readings provide healing and comfort from your loved ones that have passed on.


A Mediumship reading will bring forth evidential messages from loved ones to let you know they are always with you. There can also be psychic messages that come through too! 


These events I keep to 2-3 hours max, no matter the group size. I cannot guarantee an individual reading if the group is over 8 people.


Contact me directly for more details. I do this in person within 50 miles of St. George, UT or even online with Zoom and a recording will be sent to you.



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Sessions with Krystal Parry are meant to uplift your spirit with messages from
loved ones that have passed on, any healing that is shared and any other psychic
information that comes through. Regardless of information provided during
sessions, clients are responsible for their own choices and actions.  A session with
Krystal does not replace or negate professional services that may or may not be
needed in the form of medical, legal, mental health or other professional counsel.
Krystal Parry shall not be liable for any decisions and or actions taken based on
information given in the sessions.
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